Can you believe that it is March already?!

Email - March 3, 2014

The weather here this last week was MUCH better! We actually saw the sun 2 or 3 of the days! Alllll day Saturday was so nice! So that was the best! We taught loads of lessons that day and it was nice to be out! Plus we got to go to Sister Welch's house for dinner, so that's always the best! She cooks great meals. 

That is so scary about Peyton driving. One thing I have learned more of since being in London is that women should not be allowed behind the wheel. Hahaha at least here! London drivers are crazy anyway...but the women are just reckless! It's crazy! Oh my especially the women bus drivers! hahah it's so scary! The double deckers are so big and they treat them like a rally car! hahah It's hilarious! I swear the bus drivers here are 20 times better drivers than NASCAR drivers, it's incredible.

Congrats to Tanner for making the team. I wish I could be there to watch Lehi soccer when he is playing now!! 

You're right that the weeks do cruise by - for me as well!! The days can be slow, but then all of a sudden its Sunday night and it's like,... what the heck!? But, I guess it means we are working hard.

On Tuesday, we had a Zone Conference! It was really good! It was good to see the other missionaries there! Some I haven't seen since the MTC and some I just love to see every once in a Elder Sparks! haha He is the man.

The work is going well. Elder Mecham and I taught more lessons this week than I have my entire mission! We found a few new investigators, but it is still just brutal getting people to come to church! It's just an hour on a Sunday morning to come to Sacrament Meeting! I don't get it! We invite everyone but NO one came on Sunday. Hopefully, we can start getting people there once we see them more often! 

Can you believe that it is March already?! I can't. This transfer is half way over as well!! Crazy. There's no way I have been with Elder Mecham for 3 weeks already! 

I really appreciate all of the support that I feel from friends and family! It seriously means the world to me! I am thankful for everyone! Especially you mum and dad! You are the best! 

This Gospel is so sick! I'm so thankful for you guys raising me in it! I love and miss you all!!! I hope you have a good week!!!

Love from London,
Elder Munson 

"Me and Elder Romney! Spencer's cousin! He goes home after this transfer."

"Elder Yu!"

"Sister Laineenkare, from my MTC district!"

"Nikita had her baby!! Zoe. She was 5 lb. 15 oz. Soooo tiny!"


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