On the edge of my seat...

Email - August 11, 2014

Hello! Wow, don't the weeks just fly by!? They do for me at least. 

This was a really good week! We had President interviews on Tuesday which are always good! I got some info out of President that basically it's a sure thing that I am moving in a couple weeks! Plus, the Zone Leaders told me that I am basically good as gone. So, I'm just on the edge of my seat now wondering where I will be going and who my next companion will be! CRAZY! But, definitely I feel like it is time to move on! That doesn't mean I wont miss Mitcham though, CAUSE I WILL FOR SURE!

We had a really good district meeting on Wednesday! And, the day after I went on exchange with Elder White! It was pretty good. We tried a lot of funny different ways of contacting! Elder White tried this one thing where he placed a Book of Mormon just out in the middle of the walkway on like a railing, and as people would look at it when they walked by he would approach them and tell them that the book they just passed by will change their life, or he would ask if they have ever seen that book before. haha It was pretty funny some of the reactions we got.

Elder Heninger and I have been having a lot of fun! We had a pretty funny weekly planning on Friday, and we are just used to each other now so it's been really enjoyable serving with him. 

Yesterday at church John walked in and had a tithing slip and was asking us how to fill it out and everything! Ah, it was so amazing! He is the most solid convert I have ever seen. 

On Saturday, we met with two of our investigators, R____ and Y____. They are two teenage girls who are way cool. We set a baptismal date with them for September 13th which was great! I'm really happy and excited about them! 

It's weird to think about leaving. It doesn't really distract me. It's just weird thinking that the people I meet or whatever I won't be teaching them for much longer! 

Oh, and we found out that our mission will be instituting iPads and such around October or November. I received a letter from Grandma and Grandpa offering to pay for that for me! THAT WAS SOOO NICE OF THEM. Ah, I'm so lucky to have the best grandparents in the world. The whole mission is pretty excited to receive them. It will really help the work here, I think. Everything will be much more organized and the iPads will be a great teaching tool.

I taught the Elders Quorum lesson yesterday on Eternal Marriage! hahaha THAT WAS AWKWARD! good thing there was a lot of participation from the group from those that are actually married! hahahaa It went well anyway and I learned a lot from it! My 2nd counselor was supposed to teach the lesson, but he didn't show up! Nor did he tell me he wasn't going to show up! haha Oh well! It was good.  

This Gospel is amazing!!! I am so lucky to have the chance I have to be out here spreading it! The last couple weeks have been so great. Daniel Sintim has blessed the Sacrament the last two Sundays, his first time ever doing that! And, he has a talk next Sunday in church! SO I'M JUST FREAKING HAPPY and proud of him!

I miss you all! and thank you all SOO much for all the love and support! It's the best! LOVE YOU!

Love, Elder Skyler Munson

"Nice Japanese girls I met on the street. I happened to have a card that
Riley Ottesen sent to me in the mail a while ago. So, I gave it to them and
they are going to contact him when they go back home next month. :)"

"The BYU students last Sunday was yesterday!"

"I still have that weird addiction of watching the washer...remember when I
would do this for days, Mum?"

"Haha, locking Sister Xayalath in!"

 "Elder Heninger during weekly planning! The creep! Haha!"

 "We eat grilled cheese so much!"

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